Guide to use Quick Share on Windows PC

Guide to use Quick Share on Windows PC

Samsung Quick Share is now available on PC. Yes, it is now available on Windows PCs from other manufacturers. Since this is still a new feature, you may be looking for instructions on how to use this feature. How to use Quick Share on your Windows PC.

Sharing between Android devices has improved over the years.But it’s not as good as Apple Share. In fact, most OEMs do not have their own ecosystem.

However, Samsung has created its own ecosystem and Quick Share is a sharing tool that works seamlessly between multiple Samsung devices. For example, you can easily exchange files between your Samsung laptop and your Samsung phone.

How to share files using Quick Share on Windows

If you have used Nearby Share on Android, Quick Share also works almost the same. But the process is a bit different if you want to share files between a Windows PC and another Samsung device.

Download Quick Share for PC

Quick share is available on Galaxy devices by default but not on Windows devices. And so first you need to download Quick Share on your PC to use the feature.

  1. Open Microsoft Store on your PC.
  2. Search for Quick Share. Open the matching result which will have a blue icon. Or you can jump to the download page from here.
  3. Tap the Get button to install the Quick Share on your PC.

You can sign-in with your Samsung account if you want some extra features. However it is not mandatory to login. The sharing works without any issues even if you don’t login.

Send Files from Windows PC using Quick Share

Let’s start with the method that include sending files from PC and receiving files on a Samsung device.

Step 1: Open the Quick Share on your PC. Also make sure both devices have WiFi turned on.

Step 2: Scroll down and in the Quick Settings panel, make sure Quick Share in enabled.

Step 3: Now on the Quick Share app on your PC, drag and drop the files you want to share directly into the found devices. You can also right click on any file and click share with Quick Share.

Step 4: The app will now search for nearby devices with Quick Share support. Tap the device icon to which you want to transfer files.

Step 5: On your other device accept the sharing by tapping Accept. As soon as you accept the prompt the sharing will start.

Wait for the completion. And once finished you can view the file on your phone.

Send Files to Windows PC using Quick Share

Now if you want to send files from your Galaxy device to Windows PC, you can follow this method. The process is same, but still here’s the complete step.

Step 1: Make sure the Quick Share is installed on your PC and its WiFi is enabled.

Step 2: Now open the Quick Share app on your PC. Also make sure Quick Share is enabled on your Phone.

Step 3: Go to the file that you want to share, then tap Share followed by Quick Share option.

Step 4: Now it will look for Quick Share devices available nearby. When you see your PC, tap it.

Step 5: In case you see a prompt on your PC, tap Save and the sharing will begin.

Wait for the sharing, and after completion you can view the file on your PC.

How to Locate Files Shared with Quick Share

In case you can’t find the files shared through Quick share, you can look at the locations mentioned below.

On Galaxy Phone: Internal Storage/Download/QuickShare (this is the default location)

On Windows PC: C:\Users\username\Downloads\Quick Share

These are the default locations which means if you have not done any changes in Quick Share settings, then you will find shared files in these locations. You can also check the folder location from Quick Share settings.

How much Time does the Transfer take

The transfer speed can be different depending on the device and the traffic nearby.

Here are my findings: 1GB transfer in 20 seconds. This is when both of my devices were connected to same WiFi before starting the Quick Share. Yes these factors play role in transfer speed.

These numbers could be different in your case.

So this was all about Quick Share on PC. Keep looking for updates in Microsoft Store because with new update you could find better transfer speed and more features.

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