Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max will have capture button for taking videos

Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max will have capture button for taking videos

Bloomberg’s Mark Gorman recently published in his ‘Power On’ newsletter that Apple is planning to have the iPhone 16′s capture button for recording video. Grumman claims a ‘new dedicated button’ will take video, hence the name. This is confirmation of the purpose of the button and why it is called that way. According to rumours, the capture button will have haptic feedback and a force sensor that detects pressure.

Additionally, it is believed that the capture button will have an ergonomic or easy-to-reach location. Different levels of pressure may mean the button can be activated to take a video or photo, but there is currently no official confirmation of this. The iPhone 15 Pro Max and Pro models can enable native video via ultrawide and wide cameras that have been working together since the launch of iOS 17.2.

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